The Market Position:
There are currently some other Mexican restaurants located in Cambridge. These are:
Las Iguanas
Chiquito has stores around the UK and has a high end website.
They offer mexican food but also offer some English foods. Since there are other restaurants in the UK more people will have heard of them and they will have a bigger profile than the one off Cambridge stores of Nana Mexico.
Their Online presence:
Nana Mexico have a facebook and twitter pages with their key information on. Such as their locations and menus.
They also are included on the JustEat website which allows their customers to order food online and collect in 20 minutes.
Current Image, Branding and Advertising:
The website for Nana Mexico is simple but effective as it shows their foods and shows what current offers are available to their customers.
The brand currently has bright colours and will appear to students and teenagers.
What do they sell?
In Nana Mexico they sell a whole range of Mexican cuisine.
Some of their items are listed above.
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