Monday, 12 January 2015

"Holidays are Coming" | Advert Distribution and Promotion

The advert was distributed over a wide range of media forms including TV and print based for example magazines and newspapers. The campaign was also distributed through posters and bus shelters, this was to reach the average everyday commuter and lift their festive spirits.
The advert appeared in the Daily Mail, The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times as news articles.
The live advert of trucks moving has come through many different cities across the world including London, Paris and Ely in the UK.
Coca Cola UK Truck Locations
Through this website people would be able to see if the coca cola truck is going to their location and if it is the times they would be able to see it.
The campaign was international and featured a large display which made the reach well known world wide, moreover multiple houses in the UK. The reach was essentially regional and national because the majority of people you ask know about the campaign and or have heard of it featured somewhere, if you were to ask where they have seen it they would have done.

The Coca Cola Company always put a lot of money into their advertising moreover they make sure that their product is seen multi nationally and that a big percentage of the world knows about their products.

In order to get a place in a newspaper or magazine you have to pay a massive premium for example newspaper editors and producers normally charge £1,000 a day for a full page spread in black and white.
Social media is used a lot within Coca Cola's campaign and advertising message as they put out over christmas the names on coke bottles that they sold.

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