Wednesday, 14 January 2015

STAGE ONE: Cambridge Cycle Hire | Consumer Research | Tom A

Companies Current Logo
Market Position
Their position in the market is very predominant although not at its most prime as the company is located outside of central cambridge moreover many of its competition and main rivals are more in the centre of Cambridge.
The key to gaining additional awareness of City Cycle Hire would be to put out the most eye catching poster designs and best offers in central Cambridge to make people know they are about.

Online Presence
They're not predominant online although they do have a presence moreover they have a website which lists their services and prices and where they are located.
By expanding their online presence they can gain a lot more customers as well as a younger cliental that predominantly use facebook and other social media platforms.

Current Website
The current website they use is outdated and although it features much information relevant to the company it leaves out social media integration and many other interactive features that other sites have and that could give the website an edge over the competition.
Cambridge Cycle Hire has no alternate online platforms that customers can use to directly contact them through, although there is an online form to fill out there is no clear email address etc. although a clear phone number printed multiple times all over the website.

Image, Branding and Advertising
The website already has a predominant theme with a set art style and design which is yellow with stripes and multiple images along the colours.
Current company design used
The Product Offering
The City Cycle Hire Company offers a unique experience of being able to hire a bike within cambridge much like other companies although is slightly further out of Cambridge than other companies.

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